Iqbal's interview was featured in the April/May edition of the Works magazine, which is published by Recruit's Recruit Works Institute.

Recruit Works Institute【Works】

Works featured an interview about our no-office working style since the company's founding, even before words like nomad or remote worker became mainstream. The interview is featured from page 28 to page 30.

They also featured the unique and modern working styles of other companies, such as Tokyu Land Corporation, ANA and Euglena.

We thank you Recruit Works Institute's team for a well-written interview despite the short time we had.

You can read the interview and other interesting articles (in Japanese) directly from Recruit Works Institute's site.

If you have any questions or would like to discuss remote working or the future of work, please feel free to contact us by email or via Twitter

Aiko Yokoyama

Aiko Yokoyama

Customer Success and Operations

Joined January 2014. Experienced as a clerk in Foreign Trading company, started and maintained an online supplement store. Lived in overseas for 15 years. Looking forward to communicating our customers with the broad view based on those experience.