Goodbye from MARITEX
FullCourt end of service annoucement
MARIMORE Inc changed it's trading name to Xoxzo Inc.
Here is how you can make the most of using Github
A short writeup on PyCon AU 2015
A talk given to the very first PyCon in Malaysia
Django One day work shop at TECH LAB PAAK in Tokyo, July 26, 2015 for female who wants to start Django. The participants were not asked any background knowledge in programming.
I was invited by Universiti Tun Hussein Onn (UTHM) student to give a talk on their 1 day seminar for the students in the Computer Science and Information Technology (FSKTM) faculty.
On the 21st of May, the first AWS Summit was held at Connexion@Nexus, located in Kuala Lumpur. A total of 1075 participants turned up that day which lasted from 7.30am till 6pm.