Thank you for using Xoxzo API.

Please let us announce an additional parameter lt_callbackurl to be used together with track_link for our SMS API.

Please also see Link tracking release

How to use

Very simple. Please add a paramter lt_callbackurl to provide an URL to be called at the event of link clicked when you send SMS sending request. For more details, please visit Help Center.

How it works

SMS Link Tracking
- When the parameter track_link is provided, link tracking function is enabled. The first URL/domain name in the message will be replaced with our private short url.
- The information of when the recipient clicks the link on the mobile terminal will be recorded.
SMS Link Tracking with callbackurl
- Provide the URL to call when the link is clicked with the parameter lt_callbackurl.
- XOXZO cloud will call the URL with http POST method

Please check the link tracking details using Check SMS status API as well.


The link-tracking feature needs an additional parameter cost on top of standard messaging. Please visit our SMS pricing page for more details.

Link tracking feature was born by our user's voice.
Please contact our helpdesk with your requests too.

Aiko Yokoyama

Aiko Yokoyama

Customer Success and Operations

Joined January 2014. Experienced as a clerk in Foreign Trading company, started and maintained an online supplement store. Lived in overseas for 15 years. Looking forward to communicating our customers with the broad view based on those experience.