Editor's pick
The Way We Work
My key takeaways as a remote intern
I took the self learning route and after a couple of months, I found myself stuck in Tutorial Purgatory or a state where I kept learning without a structure or a set goal... I realized the previous knowledge wanes off without due practice and that is when I decided to send a mail to Kamal, our CTO and asked if I could join as an intern as I wanted some practical experience.
2019/01/02 ·Engineering
Automate Browsing to Free Up Browser Tabs, Save Time and be Productive
We spend a lot of time in our browser. Sometimes we dedicate a few browser tabs for some simple activity like monitoring a page for changes. But these seemingly small activities eventually end up occupying a lot of our browser's tabs, and in turn distracts us from doing more important things and maintaining our productivity. In this post, I'll walk through the process of creating a simple script to watch a Kickstarter project for deals. This is aimed at beginners or non-programmers.
2018/12/21 ·