Thank you for using Xoxzo-Cloud Telephony Platform and EZSMS.
From 2020/1/24 (Fri) 20:52 to 2020/1/26 (Sun) 20:43 (JST), a part of the numbers subscribed to DIN/DialSMS had an issue and didn't accept incoming calls.
The details of this disruption is as below.
For a part of subscribed DIN(Xoxzo)/DialSMS(EZSMS) numbers: Incoming calls were not taken during the disruption and no charges were made.
No other API services (SMS delivery and receipts, Voice Calls etc) were affected during this disruption.
We are about to notify more details to the users who was actually affected individually.
We are deeply sorry and sincerely apologize for causing this inconvenience, We are surely on the improvement of our current flow to prevent this happens again, as well as strengthen our monitoring system.